We love to celebrate our favorite women in May. Moms, daughters, aunts, sisters, grandmas and friends…wonderful women abound! This Sunday, we also celebrate Christ’s Ascension. His promised Holy Spirit would soon abound. Jesus told His disciples in Luke 24, “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” And what great power that was and is!
Most people know what happens when we are surrounded by good mothers, wonderful women – love happens! Same thing happens when the Holy Spirit surrounds us. What a privilege and joy to be filled with the Spirit and live with hope. All believers have the opportunity and the Spirit’s power to share God’s love, to amplify our own love for God’s good purposes. I’m so thankful to be a part of my wonderful family where love abounds, and a great church family that lives and serves with the power of God. How will love happen this week because of us? Happy Mother’s Day and blessed Ascension Day! ~Tracy